My Birthday Dinner!

They arrived with grocery bags and wine in hand.  We cleared off the island and spent over an hour cooking, drinking wine, and laughing together.  It was exactly how I wanted to spend my birthday 🙂

Here’s a picture of the dinner table full of the scrumptious dishes we made.

I should have taken an after picture…

We had sushi rolls, edamame, cabbage kimchi, korean potatoes, shredded radish kimchi, tofu, and tempura veggies.  Are you drooling yet?

We ate like QUEENS!!  Each item on the table perfectly complimented the rest.  I didn’t get a chance to write down the ingredients for everything that was consumed, but I’ll collect the information and post it later.

I also failed to take pictures of the dessert before it was inhaled.  Liz made faux fried ice cream which consisted of vanilla ice cream, corn flakes, honey, and cinnamon.  Rebecca had also brought some leftover apricot pie, so the ice cream was served in a bowl with a warmed piece of the pie.  It was the perfect ending to a fun evening.  I’ll say it again:  I LOVE YOU GIRLS!

Posted on November 15, 2010, in Simmerings. Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. Feliz Cumpleanos a ti, feliz cumpleanos a ti! Happy Birthday Rocio! Your birthday feast looks delicious and it’s so great you spent it in great company and exactly how you wanted 🙂 Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I’m sorry I haven’t come over lately but you can see what I’ve been up to. Everything looks so delicious and it’s so great to see you going full steam. So you have plenty to choose from for November’s YBR:) See you soon.

    • Apicius' Apprentice

      Gracias Nancy 🙂 It was a really fun birthday! And PLEASE! que tienes que lamentar? you’ve been a really busy bee! i’m just honored you peek in from time to time! looking forward to this month’s YBR 🙂

  2. Happy Birthday, awesome babe!

  3. So jealous! I want good girlfriends like that! Glad you had a wonderful birthday!

    • Apicius' Apprentice

      Good girlfriends are soooooo hard to find. I know how lucky I am to have those ladies in my life. Thank you for the birthday wishes, Heidi!

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